How to become sanyasi in ramakrishna math in india


How to become sanyasi in ramakrishna math in india

In this article, I will guide you on how to become a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math in India. Ramakrishna Math is a renowned organization that follows the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda. It aims to foster spiritual growth and provide selfless service to society. If you aspire to lead a life of renunciation and devote yourself to the path of spirituality, becoming a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math can be a fulfilling journey.

  1. 1. Understand the Philosophy
  2. 2. Visit Ramakrishna Math Centers
  3. 3. Seek Guidance from a Monk
  4. 4. Fulfill Eligibility Criteria
  5. 5. Training and Initiation
  6. 6. Take the Final Vows
  7. 7. Continued Learning and Service
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Understand the Philosophy

Before embarking on the path of becoming a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of the philosophy and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda. Their teachings focus on the harmony of religions, self-realization, and service to humanity. Study their works, attend discourses, and immerse yourself in their teachings to gain a comprehensive understanding.

2. Visit Ramakrishna Math Centers

Visit any nearby Ramakrishna Math centers to get a firsthand experience of their lifestyle and spiritual practices. Interact with the monks and understand their way of life. This will help you assess if you resonate with their values and if becoming a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math aligns with your spiritual aspirations.

3. Seek Guidance from a Monk

Reach out to a senior monk or a spiritual guide in Ramakrishna Math to seek guidance on your decision to become a sanyasi. They possess profound knowledge and can provide valuable insights into the process. They will guide you on the eligibility criteria, the training process, and the commitment required to become a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math.

4. Fulfill Eligibility Criteria

Every organization has certain eligibility criteria, and Ramakrishna Math is no exception. To become a sanyasi, you need to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Minimum Age: Generally, the minimum age requirement is 25 years.
  • Good Health: Ensure that you are physically and mentally fit for the spiritual journey.
  • Education: A basic education is preferred to have a strong foundation for spiritual learning.
  • Character Evaluation: Ramakrishna Math conducts a thorough evaluation of your character, sincerity, and commitment to the path of spirituality.

5. Training and Initiation

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply for training and initiation as a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math. The training period can vary from a few months to a few years, depending on individual progress and the guidance of the senior monks. The training includes studying scriptures, practicing meditation, participating in selfless service activities, and imbibing the principles of renunciation and detachment.

6. Take the Final Vows

After completing the training and meeting the requirements set by Ramakrishna Math, you will be eligible to take the final vows of becoming a sanyasi. This involves a solemn ceremony where you renounce worldly attachments and dedicate your life to spiritual pursuits, service, and the upliftment of society.

7. Continued Learning and Service

Becoming a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math is not the end, but rather the beginning of a lifelong journey of spiritual growth and service. Embrace a life of continuous learning, deepen your spiritual practices, and engage in selfless service to humanity. Ramakrishna Math provides ample opportunities to engage in various social welfare activities, educational initiatives, and spiritual discourses.


Becoming a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math requires a deep commitment to spirituality, self-discipline, and a genuine desire to serve humanity. It is a profound journey that demands dedication, perseverance, and a thirst for spiritual knowledge. By following the steps mentioned above and seeking guidance from the experienced monks, you can embark on this noble path and experience the bliss of a sanyasi's life.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Can anyone become a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math?

While anyone can aspire to become a sanyasi, Ramakrishna Math has specific eligibility criteria that need to be fulfilled.

2. Is it necessary to have prior knowledge of Hinduism to become a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math?

No, prior knowledge of Hinduism is not a mandatory requirement. However, having an understanding and appreciation for the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda is essential.

3. What are the benefits of becoming a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math?

The benefits include a life dedicated to spirituality, self-realization, inner peace, and the opportunity to serve society through various welfare activities.

4. Can I continue my education while pursuing the path of becoming a sanyasi?

Yes, Ramakrishna Math encourages individuals to complete their education before dedicating their lives to the path of becoming a sanyasi.

5. Is celibacy a requirement for becoming a sanyasi in Ramakrishna Math?

Yes, celibacy is a fundamental aspect of the sanyasi life in Ramakrishna Math. It is a vow to abstain from any form of sexual activity.

Si quieres más información puedes revisar otros artículos en la categoría Spirituality.

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